
We operate as a private membership because it aligns with our core values. We believe health is a fundamental freedom and that everyone has the right to choose their own healing path. By operating privately, we can better support our members on their wellness journeys.

Becoming a member is free, confidential, and does not require any contact information. Once you join, you will have access to everything Sol Vitality has to offer.

Sol vitality is for members only

-Caitlin, 24

Maile truly believes that those who know better, do better. the education she provides on her platforms and through her coaching is priceless.

-Francisco, 33

This testing allowed me to figure out why i was so tired all the time. with my new supplement protocol i don't even crave coffee!

- Makayla, 30

I honestly didn't think digestive bitters would work but i don't get bloated at all anymore and my periods are lighter!

What our members have to say